Well, yesterday, I got face to face with, "my friend Al"....
None of you bastards know this....
Not yet....
But, given how much you really care about American education, why should you read it????
Albert asked for a little time....
He learned a long time ago, not to piss off Americans....
I am supposing he wanted to compose himself....
Or have a good, stiff drink.....
You do not want to hear this information, anyway.....
Do you????
Well, boys and girls....
Your complaints, and a dollar, will not even awaken me.......
I do not give a damn what you think....
Because "numbers" do not lie......
And the "numbers", because the numbers on American student's ability to read (and therefore, think ctritically) are not very pretty....
(Well, maybe they do lie....much to your comfort.....right????)
But, I spent a lot of money getting to Heidleburg, Germany......
Trying to get in Albert's face......
I did it for you....
Im lying.....
I did it for me......
I did it to prove a point....
Maybe i did do it....
Maybe i didnt....
But you readers dont even know who he was...
Or even if he is dead....
Do you?????
But I met him....
He gave me thirty minutes...
Just me....a moron....
Talking to a man who directed an entire "World War"....
(So, compared to that, what the hell do you know????)
You Americans, who read.....
Anything at all.....
Even the back of a cereal box, or, your child's report card......
Or, most of you, so called, "American parents" .....
Prove to me, beyond a shadow of a doubt....
Your concern......
About why your kids cannot read and write....
Is that a possibility????
Attempt to deflect the blame from yourselves....
Even, as silently, you ask, why your children are so uninterested in these "skills".....
Can you prove YOUR interest in their education????
Can you????
Prove it to me.......
Is it because you cannot prove it?????
Or, is it because you do not know whom, or where to go, to ask, about these affairs...????
Or, your own State, the State you pay taxes to, regularly, sells your children down the educational river....????
If you do not ask these questions, you do not give a rat's ass about your own children.....
It really is that simple.....
Teachers, underpaid and overworked (even if many of them defeat their own purpose, by practicing bogus teaching concepts)........
Cannot do it alone.....
You must help them....
You must get your hands into your children's brains....
For the large majority of paraents who do not do these things.....
Who think that education is somehting you pay for ....
As if it is a product coming with a money back warranty.....
You will never know just how I feel about you....
But who cares how I feel about child abusers????
But know this....
My finger is pointed directly at YOU.......
Because, as parents, it is YOUR fault for not demanding an accounting from our so called "education officials"...
I would bet ten years of my life....that you do not know the name of the "Head" of your "States", "Department of Education".....
Or even the Principal of your child's school......
Oh shit.....
I am sorry....
That was harsh, was it not?
And, I have not included Albert's comments.......
I have not included what he thinks of you parents.......
Or some lessons only a man who has his historical scope can speak of the mortal national danger of decling societal intelligence....
Albert Speer was, (hell, maybe still is...)
But a man knowing what it is like to deal with people who do not think......
In fact, millions of them.....
A man who knows the true effects of the failure of a national educational system......
Well....do you really want the comments of a "loser"?
I warn you,do not sell him short.....
His nation lost a world, because they became stupid.......
It happened in Germany, in a hurry.....
It took less than a decade to dumb those bastards down.....
I know you Americans consider the outcome of WW II, an historical inevitability......
A done deal....
But there were moments when it was not that way....
But then.....
You do not know history , do you????
The facts are.....
It was not inevitable.........
We landed on the beach in France.......
Because of their stupidity........
And, as long as persist as a "Nation at War"........
Maybe, we could learn from an old loser....
Maybe not....
It is your choice....
Albert agreed to be here tomorrow.....
I gave him a list of prepared questions....
And now, in another room.....
I hear him laughing his ass off....
There is something disturbing about his laughter..........